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Melbourne Airport Stormwater Harvesting Project Case Study
The key objectives of this project were to improve stormwater quality and to reduce potable water consumption across Melbourne Airport managed areas. With end user demands of 180ML/yr at 100% reliability a complex coordination of critical components were required to support these requirements.
In order to achieve this, the stormwater inflows from Steeles Creek are captured, transferred via Aquatec’s raw water pump station where it is dosed and filtered through our packaged treatment plant. The filtered stormwater is then sterilized by a US EPA Approved UV unit and transferred through to the clearwater storage tank.The stored water is continuously recirculated and treated until the water is drawn out of the clearwater storage on demand unit via boosting pumps ready for the end user being Melbourne Airport and the Essendon Football Club.
This water will be subsequently used on cooling towers, toilet flushing, car wash facilities and irrigation purposes on ovals. The benefits that will be delivered to Melbourne Airport will be the enhancement of water quality and on the recycled side, the reuse of the water back into the airport will be a great benefit to the client.
Aquatec partnered with John Holland and Spiire, APAM & City West Water in delivering this end-to-end stormwater harvesting treatment plant.
Thornhill Park Development
Aquatec has successfully installed two of the largest emergency waste storage tanks ever constructed by the company at Thornhill Park.
Seen as a critical milestone in the development of Thornhill Park, the installation of these two massive emergency storage tanks, each 24m long x 4m in diameter are now connected to an adjacent sewer pump station which Aquatec had earlier constructed.
The tank installation was undertaken by our construction partners, Jaydo on behalf of Western Water. To see these tanks installed we captured this video, viewable above.
Thornhill Park, a newly created suburb west of Melbourne will support 5,000 new dwellings as part of the regions continued population growth. The successful installation of this critical infrastructure sees the completion of the waste water services component of this major development project in the region.
To learn more about this project, please contact the Aquatec office on 1300 088 555
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